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Opportunities for Post-Doctoral Fellows 

If you are a post-doctoral fellow seeking a rewarding research opportunity, we invite you to apply for a position in our lab. To be considered for this position, please email Dr. Burton with the following documents:

A cover letter detailing your interests and qualifications, highlighting your research expertise and how it aligns with our lab's focus.

Your updated curriculum vitae (CV) that includes your educational background, research experience, publications, and any relevant achievements.

Contact information for three professional references who can provide insights into your skills and capabilities.

Feel free to reach out to Dr. Burton with any additional questions or clarifications.

Opportunities for Graduate Students 

Starting in the Spring of 2025, the lab will offer rotation slots for prospective graduate students, who are in the Cornell Microbiology program. Interested individuals are kindly requested to email Dr. Burton. 

Opportunities for Undergraduate Trainees

We are currently full for undergraduate slots. Please consider joining the lab for a summer research project or in the Fall of 2026. If any slots open, this page will be updated accordingly. 

There are numerous opportunities available for undergraduate students to actively participate in our research starting Spring of 2025. We strongly encourage students to engage in these opportunities early on during their college journey, as this allows ample time for training and project development. If you are interested in working in our lab, please reach out to Dr. Burton via email.